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Are you looking for quality, external support to help you review and improve your farm business?
We Are Here To Help, Book Your Complimentary Coaching Call Now
Please scroll down to see the results we get for farming families
During this online coaching session, we’ll work with you to:
- Overcome current obstacles in your farming business
- Gain clarity and focus
- Uncover hidden opportunities
- Consult with an experienced coach to help you make decisions and move forward
- Leave with a customised actionable plan
- Plus an Organisational Checkup Report to show the current areas of strength and weakness in your business

- Revenue has increased from $2m to $6m per year
- Net Profit has gone from a loss to just shy of $4m
- We are now operating a highly profitable business capable of generating wealth for our family now and into the future
Ben & Kate Taylor, Farm Owners
Darren & Fiona Sanders, Farm Owners

Life changing - financially, emotionally, confidence, community of like-minded entrepreneurs! Best thing ever!
- We are now able to make our own decisions and follow a calendar that we just know what is happening with our farm.
- We are able to track our production and income using Farm Owners Academy tools and systems.
- We are able to achieve clarity, organisation and communication.
- Farm Owners Academy strategies helped us to know that we are employing the right person for the job we want do.
Christine Berry, Farm Owner
Love everything about FOA - the mixture of mindset, business and the community is nothing like we have experienced and the knowledge and wisdom the coaches and team have is amazing.
- In just 18 months we have quadrupled our profit and scaled our business by 50% more land without investing any more money or capital.
- From starting with nothing and building their small farm (only $300k revenue p.a.) to over $1.5m turnover and a profit generating machine. The impact of getting to the right scale in your business and how it doesn’t matter where you start from in business if you apply these principles
- The changes and freedom we have experienced have been phenomenal.
- FOA is for any farmer that really wants to push ahead and go forward.
Hayley & Martin Grosser, Farm Owners

I am constantly telling people about FOA. I talk to them about the coaching support, the mindset element and how we've been supported in making life changing decisions and to really look at what we want and how to go about achieving it. I tell them about the deep dives and how great it is to get away from the farm and immerse ourselves in such a positive atmosphere several times a year and how amazing it is to talk to other farmers at all different stages in life, farming in all different ways and just how everyone is sharing their knowledge openly.
Michelle Eulenstein, Farm Owner
We’ve had a positive experience improving the working relationship with my parents (our business partners). It’s been really positive to have a framework of “experts” who recommend we make particular changes and explain why, rather than trying to create change ourselves and battling the “experience trumps all” argument that we felt we were continually being knocked back with. Many of my friends are having similar problems with their family farming businesses and this is why I have recommended FOA (as well as all the fantastic mindset and personal growth aspects).
Anabelle Standford, Farm Owner

Since Joining, Farm Owners Academy has changed our business in every way. Firstly, becoming more professional and accountable. It's the best thing we have ever done.
Mark & Lisa Zibell, Farm Owners
Hear What Other Farmers Say About Working With Us...
We had to work off farm, and life was pretty Sh*t. Now, we employ someone for three days per week, we have 10 times the size of our business and the sky’s the future – Anthony McInness
All we knew in our farming business was what we knew and we were at our limit. And we didn’t know where to go for help. In the last 4 years, we have been able to double our stocking numbers and that is going to propel us to where we want to be, so our 10 year goals, we have nailed the in 4.5 years – David Low
Travis & Lachie Bell Platinum Mastermind Graduates
How they managed to more than double the turnover in their business and buy 4 more farms through that period starting from a very low equity percentage (28%)
The impact of having too much debt in your business and what can change when you get this back in order
How sometimes you need to take a step sideways (or backwards) to move forwards in business.
Tom & Mel Crockett Platinum Mastermind Graduates
It’s so much more, it’s such a complete package that we didn’t even realize when we were signing up.
Getting a room full of fantastic people who you can learn from as well as the staff of Farm Owners who have just such a wealth of knowledge with mindset and coaching and just the accountability.
The benchmarking results that we got three years ago as opposed to the ones we got now are just amazing.
The roadmap for our future is looking bright. We’ve got the skills and the tools that Farm Owners have given us and yes, onwards and upwards for us
Damien & Carissa Schneider Platinum Mastermind Graduates
You come to a place like this and to have 150 people in the exact same mindset that are transfixed on everything they say, it’s a great moment.
This seemed to tick all the boxes we did, so we jumped at it. The more we looked at it, the more we realized we definitely needed it and wanted it.
Empowering was how it felt. You’re in control of everything.
We’ve been in the program for two years now and we’ve got so many more things out of it than when we signed up.
Adam & Benita Bensch Platinum Mastermind Graduates
It feels highly rewarding to be profitable and has been invaluable to date and will continue to be in the years ahead
We signed up and haven’t looked back
Absolutely glad we did it
We have met plenty of new people in similar situations
Planning has been a major change, to have some direction where we are going with our life and business
It feels highly rewarding to be profitable!
Hayley & Martin Grosser Platinum Mastermind Graduates
In just 18 months we have quadrupled our profit and scaled our business by 50% more land without investing any more money or capital.
The changes and freedom we have experienced have been phenomenal.
FOA is for any farmer that really wants to push ahead and go forward.
It's a little bit overwhelming but, WOW.
Cameron Englandl Platinum Mastermind Graduate
We’ve got goals and targets, 1-year, 3-year,10-year goals and off/on farm investments to make sure that down the track when it comes time to hand over, or whatever happens in our succession planning, it’s going to make that process so much easier by planning from an early age. I know that if we implement the strategies that we have learnt through Farm Owners Academy, follow the process, have our goals in place that we will achieve them and go beyond.
“It has honestly changed our life and it will change our future generations life”.