The Value of Just Showing Up
Nov 28, 2024
Ever notice how the people who make the effort to show up in person and play full tilt always seem to get better results?
Time and time again we see this at our Platinum Mastermind Deep Dive Events – These are two incredible days of farm business education, masterminding and fun with the best farm owners in the industry.
It’s no coincidence. The people who commit to being in the room walk away with so much more than those attending virtually and it has nothing to do with the content that was presented.
Here’s the thing: 80% of the value and learnings often come from the networking and insights sparked outside of the structured sessions.
Think about it:
- The conversation you have leaving the room that reinforces a learning….
- The discussion over coffee in the morning…
- The different perspectives you get during lunch…
- The sharing and problem-solving that happens at the bar…
- The new idea or BFO (Blinding Flash of the Obvious) that you have about your business when talking with someone at your table…
The full immersion and the collective energy of the room gives you momentum to take action in your business and to reload and refocus for next quarter. This kind of energy can only be felt and experienced, NOT observed. It’s a collective vibration you just can’t replicate through a screen.
But there’s more to it than just the networking around the event.
Albert Einstein once said, “You can’t solve a problem in the environment it was created in.”
Just getting to the event in person is bloody hard for farm owners, particularly at first when you are trying to wrangle kids, dogs and workers.
It’s easy to overlook that just committing to leaving your farm for 3-4 days 3 times a year is a BIG step towards creating your Freedom Farm.
Recently I got this message from Heidi, a Platinum Mastermind Alumni Member and now an amazing team member in the Farm Owners Academy Analytics Team.
What Heidi explains in her message we see happen time and time again...
“Hi Sam,
I have been listening to Simon Sinek quite a bit lately. I really love some of the things he has to say and one of the points that he makes, which I think is quite valid, is that technology generally leads to a disconnect and even though technology allows us to be together and to connect, socially it often leads to a disconnect, the incidental chats (waiting for a meeting to start, eating lunch, across the desk) that allows you to learn about someone do not happen with technology
I know when Anthony and I first started Platinum Mastermind, we had the option available that we could attend Deep Dives virtually I would have pushed for that every single time…
Coming up with an excuse that perhaps we don't have time, or…
We don't have the money and
What do we do with the kids?...
It all adds a level of complexity to organise.
In the end, they all would have been excuses that just kept us where we were at.
These excuses would have held us at the same level of thinking rather than growing beyond that limiting belief.
The reality is we managed everything just fine.
And the real reason these excuses were coming up was because quite honestly it was that I was not comfortable socialising.
When we first started there were only 18 other businesses at each Deep Dive and not the amazing number of businesses that there are now.
I would definitely have chosen to do it virtually but I'm so glad that that wasn't an option for us because it has changed my life.
Talking with people and learning about them has entirely propelled my growth and I would really hate for anybody to miss out on that experience.
In the challenge of attending Deep Dives, you must have your farm setup to allow for time away…
Brave the discomfort of socialising and meeting new people – if that is an issue,
Maybe you organise some time away from your children for the first time, make lifelong friends you would never have met otherwise.
There are so many benefits.
I completely understand sometimes circumstances make attending difficult.
It would be of great benefit to farmers, from a connectivity perspective and in terms of growth personally and professionally to attend Deep Dives, whether new members appreciate this at the start or not.
Thanks Sam, enjoy the rest of your day.”
The same thing happens at our 2-Day TOP Producers workshop where we spend 2 days working ON your business to help you set meaningful goals and identify strategies to make them a reality. There is a collective shift and growth that happens for the members in the room and many make friends they will have for the rest of their life.
If you are the kind of person that wants better results then start being the kind of person that shows up, puts their phone in their pocket, gets out of their comfort zone and seeks out a new perspective from the best farm owners in the business.
Sam Johnsson
CEO - Farm Owners Academy
P.S. I know this year has had its share of challenges. A great way to put a positive stamp on this year is to commit to something that will shift your business forward next year. There are still a few early bird tickets left for the 2-Day Top Producers workshop on 27th & 28th February 2024. You will leave the workshop with a clear plan for the things that will set your farm business up for a great year next year PLUS meet some other incredible farm business owners. The early bird special is only $795 for 2 tickets which is a massive $1,195 saving on the full price. If you want in or are interested reply to this message with the word ‘Tickets’ and we will be in touch to book you in.
P.P.S. If you want better results in your farm business you need to be in the room where the best farm owners are sharing the secrets